Senin, 08 April 2019

Need a New Crown What You Should Know

Need a New Crown What You Should Know
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If your dentist has said you need a new crown, you might be wondering why this is. What kind of treatment is involved and which type of crown will best suit your needs. These days, there are many different options to think about, depending on the position of the crown in your mouth and your concerns about appearance.

Why Would I Need a Crown?

Firstly, why would your dentist have told you a crown is needed?

Crowns are designed to completely cover up a tooth, protecting the entire tooth right down to the gum line.

Once in place, you will not be able to see any of the original teeth which will be safely underneath your new crown. You may also hear a crown being referred to as a cap, but this is exactly the same thing.

They are used to protect teeth that are badly damaged.

This can happen if you have a tooth that is heavily decayed. It can also happen if you previously had a large filling that is failing, or if a tooth has received root canal therapy. You might also need a crown if your tooth has taken a knock which has chipped away much of its original structure.

Crowns protect and restore teeth where a filling simply wouldnt be strong enough. Once your new crown is in place, you will be able to bite and chew food normally without fear of the tooth crumbling away.

Your crown will be designed in such a way as to tightly fit over the tooth underneath it. This is so that it completely seals the tooth, protecting bacteria from getting inside and causing further infection and decay.
Its a great treatment that will help to prolong the life of your natural tooth.

What Is the Procedure for Having a Crown?

To fit a crown, your dentist will need to carefully prepare the tooth. This is done using a local anesthetic to ensure you cannot feel anything during this treatment.

They will numb the tooth before shaping it. This is essential to make sure the new crown will fit properly and that it wont feel too bulky or look unnatural.

Once the tooth is prepared, your dentist will generally take a detailed impression. It is then sent to a dental laboratory for your new crown to be carefully handmade to the exact prescription sent by your dentist.

After the impression has been taken, your dentist will fit a temporary crown which will protect your tooth while your new crown is being made. Its important to realize that this temporary crown while being perfectly adequate, wont be nearly as good as your permanent crown.

You will need to take care when brushing and flossing so you dont dislodge the crown. Its wise to avoid biting down too hard or eating something very sticky with this crown as it could pull it off the tooth.

At your next appointment, your new crown will be fitted and adjusted by your dentist before being permanently cemented in place. It should look and feel immediately pleasing and natural, completely restoring your tooth.

What Are the Different Types of Crowns That Can Be Used to Protect Teeth?

Crowns can be made from a variety of different materials which include precious metal alloys and extremely durable porcelain. If the tooth is right at the back of the mouth and space is quite tight, its possible your dentist may suggest using a gold crown. This traditional material is hard wearing and is very kind to the opposing teeth. It can be an ideal choice if you happen to clench or grind your teeth.

Another option is to have an alloy substructure which is then covered up with tooth-colored porcelain. This is another popular choice that is cost-effective and hard wearing, and which can be more cosmetically pleasing than a gold crown.

A third option is to have an all ceramic crown which may be made from a pressable ceramic material or from a material called zirconia. These crowns use technologically advanced materials, creating highly aesthetic results.

When crafted by a skilled technician, your new all ceramic crown should look little different from your natural teeth and will blend in extremely well.

Same Day Crowns

This is another possible option that is becoming increasingly common. Some dental practices have invested in CEREC technology. This is where advanced CADCAM technology is used to precision-make your crown while you wait. There are several clear advantages from choosing this option if possible.

Firstly, a same-day crown eliminates the need for a temporary crown as instead, you can receive all the treatment required in one comfortable appointment.

You will leave your dental office with your new crown permanently in place. Secondly, the procedure to make this type of crown is slightly different. There is no need for your dentist to take a conventional dental impression. This can be a huge advantage for anybody with a strong gag reflex or who struggles to remain comfortable during this process.

Instead of taking an impression, your dentist will carefully scan your tooth using a tiny handheld camera. This device collects all the information needed for your new crown which is then sent to a computer.

The next stage is for your dentist to design your crown before the design is sent to the on-site milling machine. This type of crown is made from a solid block of pure pre-shaded porcelain that will be closely matched to the shade of your natural tooth.

It only takes a short while for the machine to precision make the crown, after which it will be hand finished and glazed. It can then be fitted and cemented in place. Its an incredibly effective process that produces extremely high-quality crowns. There is no need to worry that you are somehow getting a lesser product by choosing this option.

When you visit your dentist to have your dental crown, they can discuss all possible options with you. They will probably suggest the choice they feel will be most effective for your needs. The good news is that with proper care and regular maintenance your new crown should last at least 10 years. It can possibly last a lot longer before you need to think about replacing it.

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