Senin, 08 April 2019

Personal Hygiene of the Kitchen Steward

Personal Hygiene of the Kitchen Steward
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The personal hygiene of the kitchen steward is a very big responsibility that he has to carry. After all, his stewarding job revolves around keeping the whole restaurant and its kitchen clean, so it follows that he also has to maintain personal cleanliness and hygiene as well.

Personal hygiene refers to his overall personal appearance as well as the cleanliness of his body. Here are the things that he has to remember to maintain cleanliness and hygiene.

Cleanliness of the Body

When it comes to the cleanliness of the body, this means taking showers before going to work. If the kitchen steward has problems with sweaty underarms or body odor, then he should make it a point to always wear deodorants before arriving for his shift. This way, he will not have to deal with sweat marks in his uniform or body odor, both of which are a great turn off to people who see or smell it, especially the guests.

Hair and Make-Up

When it comes to hair, the kitchen steward has to make sure that it is always kept neat and clean. For females with long hair, it is recommended that they tie their hair away from their faces or wear it on a bun. For males, their hair should be kept short and neatly combed. After all, seeing a restaurant staff sporting long, shaggy, unkempt, and untidy hair is also a big turn off.

Putting on make-ups is usually not recommended when the kitchen steward is working in the restaurant kitchen; however, if the kitchen steward is going to put make-up on, she has to make sure that the application is very light, not heavy. The kitchen steward also has to refrain from using heavy perfumes.

Hands and Fingernails

Aside from regularly washing the hands, especially if the kitchen steward has just recently visited the toilet, the fingernails should also be kept short and clean. He has to make sure to trim them regularly.

As for female kitchen stewards using nail polishes, the only shades or colors allowable in restaurant kitchens are clear or colorless nail polishes as well as very light pink nail polishes.


Of course, it naturally follows that the teeth be kept clean as well. For this reason, the age-old adage brush your teeth every after meal is followed.

Jewelries, Socks, and Stockings

The only allowable jewelries permitted in the restaurant kitchens are wedding rings as well as wristwatches. Earrings, especially dangling earrings, are definitely not allowed while working in the kitchen. Necklaces as well as bracelets are not also allowed. However, if the kitchen steward wants to wear one while at work, he or she should always consult with the management first and make sure that they get the managements permission before wearing extra jewelries.

As for socks and stockings, it is very much recommended that the kitchen steward wear a pair of clean and fresh socks and stockings every day.

Uniforms and Shoes

Restaurants require their kitchen stewards to wear their uniforms while at work, and the uniform has to always be neat as well as clean when they report for their shift. The same can also be said true of their shoes. The kitchen steward has to make sure that his personal appearance meets the standards of the restaurant when it comes to hygiene and cleanliness, and he has to make that he sets a good example to the rest of the restaurant staff.

Personal Attitude

When it comes to the personal attitude, the kitchen steward has to always remember that he is carrying the name of the restaurant. For this reason, he has to show pride in what he is doing. This includes walking with an erect posture as well as making sure to remain respectful and courteous at all times, even to his coworkers.

It cannot be denied that there are kitchen stewards who smoke. For this reason, he has to make sure that he only smokes at the designated area, most especially not around guests.

How a kitchen steward handles himself, especially when it comes to his personal hygiene, also reflects upon the restaurant, so he has to make sure that he is always aware of the fact that he carries with him the name of the restaurant while working and even when he is through with his shift.

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